Things To Know, Your Child Might Needs a Psychiatrist in Maryland

A child's development is a multi-step process. It begins before birth, for example, within Utero and genetic processes, and progresses with the stages of infancy through adolescence. However, as with any part of the body or mind, it takes time to reach a point where things are stable in terms of function and clear to others. So, unfortunately, some kids will have their first appointment at 10 or 15 years old.

Psychiatrist in Maryland

Child Psychiatry near me is a medical specialty that provides psychiatric diagnoses and treatment for children and adolescents. The reasons may include a desire to ensure the child's social functioning, prevent future mental health issues, and treat current issues.

The parent's primary job is to get the best assistance possible for their children. In my practice, I try to provide the best recommendations of what might be required, which might include medication, talk therapy, or both.

When Does a Child Need a Psychiatrist?

The primary reason a child needs a psychiatrist in Maryland is emotional or social issues. However, these may not be apparent to parents and families, so the psychiatrist might help find the cause.

Some of the issues that may be required include:

1. Anxiety-related problems, sleep difficulties, and school-related issues.

2. An ongoing physical illness and a need for additional emotional support and coping.

3. A new type of behavior, such as a loss of interest or motivation, aggression, or depression.

4. Drug or alcohol abuse. Intervention and treatment might be necessary to help prevent addiction, treat existing problems and educate the child about all available options.

5. Dissociation is a disorder where the mind and body separate. It can be related to developmental, trauma, or psychiatric problems. It can also be seen in someone with existing mental health problems.

6. Child Psychiatry near me is needed when you see behavior changes. Such as significant changes in mood or behavior that are disruptive to a child's life and school, family relationships, or community functioning.

7. Problems with school performance, especially at the elementary and middle school levels, or difficulties in social relationships.

8. Child abuse or neglect that has been reported to child protective services (child protection workers).

9. Intense bullying by peers or relational aggression by a parent contributes to a child's emotional needs but also affects their schools and other relationships.

10. A suicide or homicide attempt and need for treatment to help prevent a second attempt.

Child Psychiatrist

How Can a Child Psychiatrist Near Me Help?

While psychiatrists cannot cure a child's problems, they can identify and treat the symptoms.

If things are severe, your child might require treatment with proper medication or talk therapy. Some treatments might include:

1. Psychotherapy, which can be individual or with a parent or other family member.

2. Medication. These drugs can help improve symptoms and may also be used to treat depression and other mental health disorders. In addition, some medicines might help children with mental and physical illnesses, including ADHD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, severe anxiety issues, or difficulty sleeping.

3. Support group therapy for the child and family.

4. Family support and counseling.

New mental health problems can be very difficult for children, parents, and families to deal with. However, the family needs to get help as soon as possible to prevent future problems or stop current ones from worsening. Sometimes getting started with the right treatment doesn't take long before things improve. While it can be scary and hard to find the right help, parents can trust that they are doing the right thing when they get a psychiatrist in Maryland to help.


Dr. Edward Gelber, M.D. is a child and adolescent psychiatrist in Towson, Maryland. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in Philadelphia, PA, in 2002. As a well-known psychiatrist, he is doing his best to help children around the U.S., especially in his hometown of Baltimore and surrounding areas. To learn about him, you can visit his website or book an appointment at (301) 750-2744.


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